Sugarland TX 77478 Shortsale

Shortsale Details

Anticipated Foreclosure DateDec 4, 2007
First Mortgage
with AMERICAN SERVICING#1100182839
Second Mortgage
with ASC LOAN# 1127076532
Total Owed$210,000.00
Market Value$188,000.00
Accepted by Debt Holders$150,206.00
Time to Negotiate Shortsale121 days

Client Testimonial

Even though it took 9 months, the short sale was approved by American Servicing and my credit is restored.  thanks

Property Location

Property Details

AddressSugarland, TX 77478

Property closed and funded through short sale 1-7-2008

ASC accepts 185,500

Even though it took 9 months, the short sale was approved by American Servicing and my credit is restored.  thanks

ShortSale Approval Letter

Short Sale Documents