Houston TX 77007 Shortsale

Shortsale Details

Anticipated Foreclosure DateOct 5, 2010
First Mortgage
with BANK OF AMERICA#872721438-2
Second Mortgage
with BANK OF AMERICA# 869525337
Total Owed$396,000.00
Market Value$315,000.00
Accepted by Debt Holders$300,000.00
Time to Negotiate Shortsale0 days

Client Testimonial

This letter is a testimonial letter for Vinh Truong.

Mr. Truong was a great help in proving me a quick and fast solution during a hard and difficult time. He kept me abreast of the Process and was there every step of the way.  From getting forms out to me on time and walking me over the short sale process to make sure that not only I knew what was happening but understood the steps. I would highly recommend him and his service.

Robert Menendez

Bank of America Home Loans approves the Preliminary HUD1 dated 10/04/2010 with net proceeds of at least $254,050.00 to Bank of America Home loan number 872721438.

Property Location

Property Details

AddressHouston, TX 77007

ShortSale Approval Letter

Short Sale Documents